The smell of warm fresh pizza was impossible to resist, donuts, and junk food are thrilling to any child so I ate some as much as possible. As we all know eating such things generates unwanted weight, I began getting more weight than desired and found out gaining is a lot easier than losing. Soccer season began once again, I was in bad shape for the extended amount of exercise. The coach told everyone ¨run three miles, you have 25 minutes to complete them”. I began to worry if I would be able to make it,and debating whether playing soccer was a good thing or a punishment for me. When I went home I talked to my mom about me continuing to play soccer or to stop. My mom told me ¨it is up to you, but if you decide to quit you will not play again¨. Having played for a long time at this point I decided I would stay because it would not be the same without it. Once again soccer helped me with something, the continuous exercise slowly made me loose weight and get to where I wanted to