Oh ya. Since my body is always sore from lifting my driving skills have become terrible. Just the other day I was pulling into the parking lot I smashed right into a car. So instead of stopping I decided to just keep driving through the car. You could say I got lucky my car is weak. Because it left hardly any damage on the other car. But my bumper was pushed in terrible. I never thought I would wreck driving 5 miles per hour. You could also say it was my dad's fault for making me even go to lifting. So now I come to school super early every day so the parking lot is empty when I park. The girls car I hit came up to me this last Friday and asked for my insurance pagers so I would have to pay to fix her car. I immediately said no way. She not taking my money to fix her car. This is what I said to her “ That sounds like a you problem. Not a me problem.” It’s not my fault she parked her car where I was going to hit her car. She should have known the I was sore from lifting she should being the one to pay to fix my vehicle. When she found out I hit her car she said wait. The kid that smells like sweat hit my car what's his name again? Aaron niemann you have 5 classes with