Personal Narrative: My Goals In My Post-Secondary Education

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Pages: 3

I have numerous goals in my post-secondary education life. My main focus of course is to go to college and get my MD and end up majoring in becoming a pediatrician and possibly subspecialize in surgery or critical care.
First I may plan on attending some of these schools in Florida may be UCF, FSU, UF, USF or BCU. These colleges have exceptional medical programs but the top two I am interested in are, FSU and UCF. I am mainly interested in these colleges because they are both close to home and I have some clear background information on these colleges. For instance, “The UCF College of Medicine M.D. program gives students educational and community opportunities that far exceed expectations.” The core curriculum includes the integration of the
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All aspects of the curriculum include the most up-to-date teaching and learning methods and technologies coupled with established techniques used for centuries that are proven and effective. The core curriculum can be described as integrated, case-based, organ system based, with modules that include interactive lectures, labs, small groups, online components, and simulations, with a multi- and interdisciplinary approach.” I find the expectations and goals this program withholds fits my expectations and drive to what I’m looking for in a medical school. Then for FSU they’re vision is “At the FSU College of Medicine, we're interested in producing doctors who are caring practitioners of both the art and science of medicine. That process starts with choosing the right students -- people who will work well with their patients and the entire health-care team. After carefully selecting our students, we immerse them in a culture that embodies the characteristics we expect to see in our graduates.” For me a college like this is more competitive and I like a little bit competition. This allows me to be more serious in what I strive to be and has a stopping point for me to be less of a procrastinator and focus. In order for me to complete my fulliment to be a