While in school, I would be so ashamed of myself and my situation at the point where I wouldn’t look or speak to anyone. There were many times that I was unsure if I would make it through the storm that was taking place at home and in my life, however I persevered and made it through this rough time successfully. I refused to allow my brother nor my parent’s divorce to ruin my education nor achieving my goals. I should be the scholarship winner, because I have always been a true scholar that is motivated to achieve highly. My goal-oriented personality has led me to receive several honors such as the Best In Social Studies Award and National Beta Club Certified. I have been on the Honor Roll and in the top 25% of my class every year since 9th grade. While in high school, I have challenged myself by taking 14 rigor courses, 13 honors courses, 1 AP course, and 4 college courses. I am currently a dual-enrollment student at Atlanta Metropolitan College, and will have 12 college credits when I graduate from high school. These achievements came despite of my family