Personal Narrative Research Paper

Words: 451
Pages: 2

Personal Narrative My fifth grade year at St. Joseph Sylvania was by far the worst. I would walk into school everyday in fear of sitting alone in class, or being called horrible names. I understand that I did not have the worst bullying experience there is, but I realized how fast a bright, sunny day can turn dark and gloomy. Every time I was teased or belittled it felt as though a 20 pound weight was added onto my shoulders for me to carry. I was fed up with teachers telling me to have thicker skin or to deal with it, so I made the decision to switch schools. Switching schools was definitely a difficult decision to make but I knew it was the right thing to do. It didn't take much time to figure out that I wanted to go to St. Ursula, I have known that ever since the day I shadowed. I had eagerly been counting down the days till my first day of sixth grade as an arrow. I had washed my uniform including my tie six times before actually wearing it. Ironing every inch of my shirt and skirt in fear of not fitting in or looking careless. I wanted my first day at my new school to be perfect, I didn't want my new school to turn out …show more content…
I stood at the front doors of the school, took one deep breath and walked into St. Ursula for the first time as an official student. I had so many thoughts going through my head; Would they like me? Would they make fun of me? Would I sit alone at lunch? Aside from all my many questions within the first five minutes of stepping foot in the school I was smiled and waved to. This act of kindness really made me feel at home even though I was new. SUA is an amazing environment of girl power and confidence, the feeling was simply contagious. I was walking taller and with friends by my side, assuring myself St. Ursula was my home. At the end of my school day I felt as light as a feather, all the 20 pounds of pressure and fear had been lifted off of my