Personal Narrative Therapy

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Pages: 3

Re-Membering conversations helps “clients to make sense of their lives in a more coherent and orderly way”(Gehart, 2014, p. 411). The client is assisted in developing a “multivoiced sense of personal identity” based on “association of life” instead of a “singular, core self” (Gehart, 2014, p. 411). In doing so, the client learns how to identify and evaluate the importance of people in their lives or eliminate them altogether. This is accomplished when they identify how the person has impacted their lives and verbalizing how they believe the person sees them. They then considered how this has affected them and the impact they believe they have had on the other persons life and how and if this changes who they are (Gehart, 2014).
Cultural Considerations Margarita comes from a Puerto Rican/Hispanic background is what is considered to be a collectivist culture primarily concerned with family and community and prides itself on the value of familismo, or the sense of connectedness and loyalty and simpatico which promotes social harmony and graciousness (Sue & Sue, 2013). Narrative therapy is a postmodern approach that was developed primarily with embracing cultural and diversity in mind. It focuses on helping people who don’t fit into societies norms accept this and create their own norms in which to exist. The stigma within the Hispanic culture
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Much like the feminist approach, it empowers them to take control and rewrite their stories. The primary limitation to this form of therapy deals with the counselor/client relationship. Many people who seek counseling expect the counselor to be the expert and direct the therapy. Narrative therapy does not work that way, the counselor and the client work together to coauthor the client’s new narrative. The counselor lets the client direct the flow of therapy, as they are the experts of their own lives (Corey,