Personal Narrative: Substance Abuse In My Family

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Pages: 5

Growing up, I have seen bottles and bottles of beer being finished and drugs being abused by my some of my family members. I was about eight years old when I’ve seen my moms pipe behind her toilet. Kids at this age shouldn’t know what a pipe is used for, but I did. I’ve also seen my dad sell some of my things so that he can use the money to buy him dope. I told my older sisters about it but they weren’t surprised. They knew what my parents did and tried telling them to get themselves together. My parents tried but could’nt help themselves. My dad was always in and out of jail which somehow helped my mom because he wasn’t there to influence her. But when she is doing good, someone comes along and gets her back into it. I’ve seen this pattern …show more content…
I promised myself that I was never going to drink, smoke, or do any type of drugs because I knew that the outcome was never good. By the time I reached highschool, I broke that promise. As a freshman, my GPA stayed within the range of 3.0 to 4.0. I hated school but I cared about my future, so I did what I had to in order to keep my GPA above 3.0. Freshman year was an easy year with no drama. Then 10th grade happened. I still hated school, but somehow, I thought that skipping school was the right thing to do. I would show up to school for certain periods, then I’d just leave. At first, when I’d leave school, I’d just go back home because usually no one comes home until four or five in the afternoon. But then when my friend found out I was skiping, she would tell me to come with her and her friends to go burn, smoke weed. I knew it was wrong, but I said, “ One time couldn’t hurt.” and so I did it. I just wanted to try but when you do it once, you get this good feeling and all your worries and pain is just gone. During this time, I was going through family problems that I just didn’t know how to deal with. After smoking weed, I thought that this was the best way to cope with my