Personal Narrative: The First Day Of Zombie Apocalypse

Words: 656
Pages: 3

Dear journal, today is the first day of the zombie apocalypse. The bulk of my family did not make it. I took my baby cousin with me to make sure she was safe and okay.

Day 1; March 1st, 2030: I was walking around a small town to try and find some food and supplies. I came upon a figure that looked like someone I knew. I walked up to the figure and I picked up Cody. I let Cody come with me because he can help keep himself and I safe while we both try to find scraps, food, and supplies to last for a couple of days. In the small town that we were in did not really have any food nor supplies. So we went on and we roamed into this considerably big town than the first town that we were in. On the way to other towns we ran out of bullets so we had to run through the big crowd of zombies. When we got to the city we found more ammo, baseball bats, and bigger and better guns than what we had. Cody and I come from a small town so we both know how to hunt. Most of the time we hunt for our food. We usually eat squirrel, and deer or whatever we find in the store’s that had some food left in it so we could eat. We tried to stay healthy enough to keep moving.
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Along with Ali we found an old man that was very sick. We had to make a decision as a team whether or not we wanted to keep him. We came to conclusion that he would die shortly anyway because he was very sick. The next day came and he was just as bad as he was when we found him so we killed him that night and moved