Personal Narrative: Waking Up In High School

Words: 431
Pages: 2

My seventh grade self was terrified of getting in trouble just for sticking up for someone who otherwise would not have helped themselves, which is exactly what I was doing. Anyone passing could feel the raging tension as the school counselor escorted me and two others down the hallway because he thought a fight was going to break out. Walking into the manly decorated counselor's office, Mr. Thorpe sat on the right side of me with the other two students, Maddie and Brooke, facing us. We were having a discussion on why angry steam was blowing out of my ears in the school cafeteria. Brooke had been bullying Maddie about her matted hair and stained clothing, but little did she know there was a lot more to the story. Maddie was thirteen years old …show more content…
Thorpe was not irate at all, he just wanted us to finish our conversation without everyone in the cafeteria eavesdropping. After calmly discussing why Brooke was acting in this base manner and allowing me to help the girls work out their issues, I felt this true joy that I have never felt before. A ginormous goofy smile swept across my face when Maddie mouthed “thank you so much” to me as she unhurriedly walked out of the office. It gave me peace of mind because if I could make just one person feel better and it proved that I was doing something important. Following this incident, many people felt comfortable enough coming to me for guidance with anything that was bothering them, almost like I was their counselor. Not being able to connect with people of my own maturity level was difficult, but this way I could be a kid while also being myself. I did not have to pretend to be someone else just to fit in at school.
Mr. Thorpe encouraged me to use my mature perspective to my advantage by helping advise Maddie and Brooke as well as other students who needed someone to talk to. He knew the only way to fix my insecurities of feeling out of place and more adult-like than people my age was to sit in his office with my classmates and advise them. This taught me how to balance dealing with myself while also being able to help other