Personal Practice Framework

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Pages: 2

Effective care is relationship centered and based on a holistic approach which includes the family and community. Neuman (2011) found, to provide an optimal level of care, one must consider all influencing variables of wellness that are important to the client in maintaining equilibrium. She explained stability as a desirable state of energy balance within the client system which signifies optimal health and integrity (Ume-Nwagbo, DeWan, & Lowry, 2006). My personal practice framework (PPF) recognizes each client as unique and containing discrete parts that contribute to the client as a whole. This will influence my role as a family nurse practitioner (FNP) because it considers the importance of stability between internal and external components of the client system.

I believe one role of the FNP is to direct client care by promoting wellness and making provisions when illness occurs. Success in this role includes building a trusted nurse-client relationship while serving as advocate and educator. As advocate, the FNP upholds respect for the individual as unique with distinct needs
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Caring considers the comprehensive and inclusive provisions developed for the well-being and protection of the client in need. The nursing process is based on the concept of caring which includes assessment, plan, intervention, and implementation stages. Blaire & Jansen (2015) mentioned the nursing process is based on nine functional patterns toward the development: exchanging, communicating, relating, valuing, choosing, moving, perceiving, knowing, and feeling. My PPF values these functional patterns because they emphasize a dynamic nurse-client relationship founded on caring. I value these functional patterns as a part of my PPF because they emphasize a holistic approach and the reciprocal efforts created between the nurse-client to achieve a mutual