Personal Statement: My Opportunity Cost

Words: 202
Pages: 1

1-3. Opportunity cost is defined as “the value of what must be given up in order to obtain something else” (Mariotti & Glackin, 2015, p. 11). If I were to start a business, my opportunity cost would be the time I lose to dedicate to my studies (college). I spend roughly 10 to 15 hours a week per class, and I currently am enrolled in three. That is approximately 45 hours a week (7 days), which is almost equivalent to a full time job.
I currently clean houses for extra income, and it requires about 15 hours of my time each week, earning $240. If I were to start a business, roughly 30 hours a week, I would have less time for college, but could possibly earn double the income (not a fixed rate). My opportunity cost of about $200 I will lose is