I learned that I have an external locus of control which means that I believe in outside forces such as chance, fate, or luck. I feel that this only partially explains me. I feel that some things that happen for a reason, but I still control most of my life, if I want to excel on a test
I have to study what the teacher thinks of me has little to do with my grade. I feel that outside factors influence me but they do not control me. To continue,
I learned that by having an ISFJ personality type …show more content…
ISFJs usually have a higher tolerance for school related stress and I suspect that this helps me cope a great deal in life.
I hope to gain improved self-awareness; I believe that is the point of this personal development plan. So far I have gained the knowledge that I need to apply to my weaknesses and modify them into strengths.
For example, on my productiveness I scored a 41 which is close to average I am on track with my productiveness. However, I need to work on my delegation and organization skills. Once I knew that I do not have great organizational skills, and put extra effort on being proactive with writing down everything on a calendar to organize out my days and weeks. This will benefit me in my home life since I have to keep track of my two daughters', husband's, and my own appointments and I have to make sure I don't double schedule any of them. Also, the organizational skills will encourage me to delegate the small tasks that I don't always have time for. I feel that once I gain these two skills and put them in practice it will reduce a portion of my stress factors in my life, such as feeling that I have to undertake everything by myself even when it is not especially plausible for me to do