Persuasive Essay On Concussions In Sports

Words: 567
Pages: 3

Mike Ditka, a professional football coach, and player, stated that he would never have one of his kids play football because the risk is more than the reward. The risk Mike was talking about was the major concussions that led to Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). Concussions could negatively affect the sports and the people that play them because of the schools and people involved, as well as the long and short-term effect of the major concussions, and that CTE is caused by concussions. Close to 99% of former NFL players have obtained CTE. This negatively impacts the sport because of a fear of the deadly disease. CTE eventually causes an early death to whoever has it. Out of 27 players, 95% have had behavioral and mood symptoms which suggest CTE. Not only are NFL players getting CTE, but also former high school and college players. Although 3 out of 14 high school players were found to have it there is still a worry about it. In former college football students, 91% were found to have CTE. This shows that concussions majorly affect people who don’t play professionally. …show more content…
The symptoms the students would have experienced headaches, fatigue, and trouble concentrating. A study published in the medical journal, Pediatrics shows that 9 in 10 teens who have had concussions have experienced academic troubles afterward. This could decline the participation in the sport because of the academic difficulties caused by the conclusions obtained. A new study that was conducted suggests that female athletes take twice as long to recover than male athletes. They analyzed the medical records of 212 middle and high school athletes. 110 of the records were boys and 102 were girls, and what they found was that it took almost double the amount of time for girls to recover than boys. The recovery time for boys was 11 days while girls it took 28