The 2nd amendment in the American Bill of Rights expresses a right for a person to keep and bare arms. This was introduced in 1791 after the bill of rights had been ratified. This was included because at the time it was seen as a normal and reasonable thing to allow the citizens to …show more content…
This ban only lasted 10 years, as it had been set under a sunset clause. This ban was ineffective as the ban only applied to any automatic weapon manufactured during the ban period. However the rate of deaths due to automatic weapons dropped significantly, now that they weren’t able to resource them as easily. But unfortunately for the American Government, it didn’t decrease the death rate due to gun violence; it only caused an increase in deaths from the use of other types of guns. So if the ban of Automatic Weapons didn’t work in the past then why are the American government trying to pass the same ban again? What is this going to achieve? History will more than likely repeat itself. It only takes one person with a handgun to cause tragedy, so why not wipe all rights to bare arms. It’s the only way; Americans will be able to live in the homes and feel safe when they send their child to