There are many ways' marijuana can be used in today's world, one way the world has used it for centuries is for medical purposes. Medical cannabis is used in many ways and can substitute harmful drugs like morphine or opioids. Medical marijuana laws lowered the annual opioid overdose rate in the past years. More and more patients stop leading towards opioids after being introduced to medical marijuana. Medical …show more content…
In states where marijuana has been legalized people drink less alcohol and sales drop for alcohol. The amount of crime and problems caused by alcohol beats the amount caused by marijuana by ten times much more crime. Domestic violence and assault crimes would drop if marijuana were to be legalized because 40% of those crimes come from people who use alcohol. Violent crimes in Washington have decreased since the legalization of marijuana according to the FBI (“Should”).
Marijuana is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco which are both already legal in many countries. Tobacco and alcohol are known to cause heart failure, liver damage, cancer and many more harmful things to the human body. According to the CDC six people die daily from alcohol poisoning, also 88,000 people lose their lives annually due to excessive use of alcohol in the United States. There are no recorded deaths for overdose from marijuana ever. Alcohol and tobacco are agreed to be more harmful than marijuana and studies show that people agree with that statement