Persuasive Essay On Syrian Refugees

Words: 739
Pages: 3

Currently, the world is facing the one of the worst migration crises in history, rooting from Syria. All due to a small and peaceful anti-government demonstration that let to a national civil war when President Assad ordered the execution of those protesters. As a result, the country was divided into Syrian rebels, those who continued to support the government and those who want do not want anything to do with any of them. Now millions of Syrians are trying to flee their war torn homeland for safety. Which is exactly why the United States needs help these victims obtain a new start in life, to undermine ISIS and improve the country’s economic and social standing According to the newspaper, Newsweek, bringing in more Syrian refugees would only help undermine ISIS, because there chances of recruiting enormous amounts of people would become less likely. Which is true, because what good is an Islamic caliphate if nobody wants to live there. As the newspaper said, “...taking in even more Syrian refugees- is not only humane but could bleed (ISIS) dry and deliver the kind of “strategic messaging” victory.” Rescuing these refugees would hopefully …show more content…
Imagine having a loved one killed and or a deteriorated home, because of an airstrike or a grenade that flew through your bedroom window. People have to realize that these refugees have been through alot. As a result, the U.S. is now their last chance of hope and salvation. As D’Amore, a journalist, said, “Humanitarianism is just as important as economic growth.” The US needs to continue helping these victims out so they can have new opportunities, perhaps more opportunities than they had in their homeland, and a fresh new start in life. Besides many Middle Eastern countries and European countries have taken in more than double of what this country has. And many of them want to stop due to overcrowding, so now many refugees have nowhere to go; besides attempting to flee to the