That moment when you stay up all night trying to do something for one or more of your teachers and you find out that you've been up since 2:00 AM. You're stressing out trying to sleep, but it's too late. It’s the time to go to school. You're trying to make it through the day, but you can't. You're literally sleeping in class while your teacher is giving you a important lesson. And in that moment… First periods over,You don’t even know what you're doing. Time is going slow for you, you're all tired and pissed off. Can’t even get through one period without putting your head on your desk and rethinking on what you did last period. 85% of kids in the U.S don’t get enough sleep as usual because they either have a sport to get to, family things, or long homework from your teachers because they don't care for your self-being. Among most of the students, teens don’t get enough sleep from them all. That is why high school students need to have an …show more content…
First reason for now, the schools have a scheduled bus system. It’s made like that so it’s not so expensive for buses to go all around places than usual. Changing the system time to later on can cause issues with the bus time system, and it will turn to hell when people need a ride to school. The school bus schedule seems to fit more with elementary schools, and I don’t even know why, but it’s like that; probably because there isn’t that many students attending elementary schools than high school's. “medical research found that teenagers have biologically different sleep and wake patterns than the preadolescent or adult population. Seven comprehensive high schools in the Minneapolis Public School District shifted the school start time from 7:15 a. m. to 8:40 a. M” ( Wahistrom 1). In conclusion, I think schools should start later because it would help us teens with better sleep and more time to get ready for the