Animal testing is the use of animals to test products and ingredients for safety. There are 3 major testing methods used today. The first is skin and eye irritation tests. This is when the hair or fur of the animal is shaved and then products are rubbed on their skin to see if it irritates their skin and dripped into their eyes to see if it irritates the animals eyes. The second is Repeated force-feeding studies lasting weeks or months to look for signs of general illness or specific health hazards such as cancer or birth defects. The third is lethal dose tests in which animals are forced to swallow large amounts of a test chemical to determine the dose that causes death. Legal tests include burning, poisoning, starving, forced smoking, mutilating, blinding, electrocuting, drowning, and dissecting without painkillers. At the end of a test the animals are killed, normally by asphyxiation, neck-breaking or decapitation. Pain relief is not provided. Then they are just thrown into the trash bin and forgotten, where their bodies will rot for