Physician Assisted Suicide Case Study

Words: 685
Pages: 3

Samantha is a 21 year old medical student who is facing many challenges including her failing grades, and a 2.9 G.PA. A letter from the academic board of was addressed to her, dismissing her from all classes. Samantha, thinking about all the money and other resources spent to get her into the school, felt that she has no hope and decides to end her own life.
INT: Scene 1 At home
Samantha sits at her desk opening the letter she has just received. As she reads the letter she becomes tearful; she thinks about the time, money and resources that were wasted. A strong sense of failure and disappointment in herself floods her emotions. All the dreams and plans that she has made for herself could no longer be fulfilled. Everyone will know that she flunk, her medical friends will not accept her, her family will disown her; without her degree she is nothing, and society will accept nothing less. (The voices in her head) You’re not good enough, you cannot be a doctor with those grades;
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The days of not sleeping, the buildup of anxiety, stress, guilt and the thought of not being good enough, allowed the thought of suicide to play around in her mind. The overwhelming sense of disappointment and the urge for an escape lead her to the medicine cabinet; she has lost all hope. She watches the pills, watches away, watches them again but walks away. Suddenly, the negative voices in her head began to scream so loudly, it stops her in her track. She finally gives in; she turns around and walks back to the cabinet for the pills. With one shake, she empties the bottle into her hands. Tears roll down her face as she stares at the pill, she contemplates about every mistake she has ever made. This allows the depression to build and overcome her completely. Without any more thought, she puts as much of the pills as she can into her mouth and drank as much water as she