Physician Assisted Suicide Research Paper

Words: 422
Pages: 2

Should physician-assisted suicide be legalized?
Physician-Assisted Suicide(noun):
The painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma. The practice is illegal in most countries.
When you hear the word suicide in any plan you’d normally think “How can this possibly be a good idea?!?”. Well...honestly it’s a really outstanding one in my opinion, in recent years people have actually been working on legalizing it. Im talking about Physician-Assisted Suicide, it’s benefits are that instead of living sadly and in pain for your last few weeks, months or hours of your life you can be given a medicine that’ll painlessly speed up the process for you. Secobarbital( a sedative that can treat people with trouble falling asleep and can also make patients sleepy before surgery or medical procedures.) is the medicine most doctors prescribe prior to the treatment, physician-assisted suicide. later using pentobarbital. The lethal dose prescribed is typically 9g of secobarbital in capsules or 10g of pentobarbital liquid, to be consumed at one time.There are many pro’s to this idea but wherever you have pro’s con’s are always lurking around, for
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Many may not agree with the positive or negative side of the argument but i am not that many. What’s the honest point of living with actual physical pain (not just mental) if you're going to pass away soon? Physician-assisted suicide isn’t as scary or painful as