Piaget Stages Of Cognitive Development Essay

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Pages: 4

Piaget describe there are four different stages in the cognitive development from birth to old age, however, adolescents has many stages from the time of birth including the four stages that Piaget explains in is theories. Starting with stage one sensory motor skill birth to two-years-old, second step is Pre-operational stage occurring two-years-old through seven-years-old, third step concrete operational stage ages seven-years-old through even-years-old, and final stage formal operational stage ages eleven through sixteen-years-old. These steps will show the difference in each stage and how they are different from adolescents.
Starting with the stage one of Piaget’s theory the sensory motor stage a mental pictures or ideas about what things
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That are a abstract logically organized system of adolescents when faced with a complex problem, however adolescents speculates before trying them out in the real world, yet in operational stage that begins at age eleven and is not fully achieved by age 15 also along with abstract capacity for abstraction. For example, it permits adolescents to reason beyond a world of concrete reality to a world of possibilities and to operate logically on information that do not necessarily refer to objects in the real world. for example, there are two major characteristic of formal operational thought. One is “hypothetical-deductive reasoning”. When faced with a problem, adolescents come up with a theory of possibilities that might affect the outcome that might occur. They then treat these outcomes to see what happens in the real world. thus, adolescent’s problem solving occurs when possibilities and proceeds to reality. The second important characteristic of the stage is that is “propositional” in nature. Focusing on verbal and their logical without making reference to the real world circumstances. In contrast, concrete operational children can evaluate the logic by considering against evidence