Pica In Children Case Study

Words: 526
Pages: 3

Pica, Pediatric

Pica is an abnormal craving or a compulsive eating of substances or a nonnutritive food. It happens most often in children, especially those with developmental disabilities. Tasting and mouthing non-food items is normal in infants and toddlers. After age 2, this type of behavior is not normal and means that pica may be present. In children, pica generally goes away with age and/or proper treatment.

The exact cause of pica is not known. The most common thought reason for pica in children is iron deficiency. It is not clear if this is a cause or a result of pica. It may be both. Pica is also seen with other diet deficiencies. It can be seen in children with developmental delay. Children with behavior or family problems
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Dirt is a commonly eaten substance. Many other types of non-food items can be eaten. Other symptoms may happen depending on what is eaten. There can be problems in the nervous system or intestinal tract, for example. Children can also suffer from poisoning if what they eat is toxic. Lead chips are a common source of poisoning.

The diagnosis of pica is usually made based on the story given by the parents. Tests for problems that can cause or result from pica may be done. Blood and/or stool tests may be needed. If problems with the intestine are suspected, imaging studies (x-rays and others) may be done.

The main treatment is to address the problems associated with the pica. Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional problem. Iron supplementation can decrease pica in cases where iron deficiency is found. Side effects of pica (such as lead poisoning from eating lead based paint) or intestinal issues need to be addressed.

Often treatment involves a team of caregivers working together to address the causes of pica. A psychologist, social worker and physician may work together to help form a treatment plan. Behavioral therapy may be used to help stop the pica.

In some cases, medications can be given to help stop pica. Pay careful attention to the eating habits of the patients.