When the narrator sees the pit, he fears falling into the pit because the pit symbolizes hell to him. The pit symbolizes the no return for the narrator that he is going to hell when he dies. Another symbolism is the “Pit and the Pendulum” is the figure of the Grim Reaper on the ceiling as the pendulum begins to descend. The figure of the Grim Reaper symbolizes that time is running out for the narrator. The pendulum is also symbolic of the Grim Reaper. Pendulum symbolism the Grim Reaper scythe and the pendulum is going to be used as the weapon used to kill the narrator. Edgar Allen Poe is an author that considered by many as a dark writer. Many of Poe’s stories lead the reader to think of their worst fears, one of these fears is dying. The fear of dying is a big theme in “Pit and the Pendulum” the reader has to struggle with the fact that the narrator is going to die by the pendulum. Poe uses the elements of point of view, irony, and symbolism to get the reader's attention in the story. Without, these elements the reader would not feel the suspense that the narrator is going