Pitbulls are known to be one of the most dangerous dogs on the planet. Experts in the field said,”Clifton says,’ that for the 32 years he’s been recording, there has never been a year when pit bulls have accounted for less than half of all attacks’”(Alter 1). There have been a lot of attacks by pitbulls and clearly they’ve been doing this for years. In the text it states,”It is true that many pit bulls were bred to be used in dog fights. During the 1700s, pitbulls were used in the vicious sport dogs…
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Pitbulls should be allowed as pets. Several jurisdictions have passed breed-specific legislation (BSL) in response to several publicized incidents that involve the pit bull breed of dogs. The legal actions in these legislations vary from total bans on the ownership of pit bull dogs to limits, as well as conditions concerning the possession of pit bulls. Also frequently ascertain a legal presupposition that pit bulls are, unless proven otherwise, legally ‘ dangerous’ or ‘vicious’ dogs. However, a…
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period 1 29-4-24 Pitbull Argument Essay Suzenne Wickey is a young woman who was babysitting her baby relative when the pitbull family attacked her and killed the baby. Although pitbulls have a bad reputation in the media, they still perform the dangerous bites often reported. Pitbulls should not be pets because they are a dangerous and unpredictable breed. Pitbulls are a dangerous breed that is ruthless and terrifying. Mark Kelly, a man who investigated the polarizing pitbull dispute, had a story…
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Bryson Ratcliff Mrs. Carey Language Arts, Period 1 29 April, 2024 Pit Bull Argument “There are no bad dogs, only bad owners.” Woodhouse once said. Pit bulls are known for biting and injuring people, but it’s not wholly their fault. Ever since Irish immigrants arrived, people have been getting pit bulls in America, and soon they went from heroes to vicious from attacks originating in human error. Pit bulls should be pets because they are exceptional protectors, and have many occupations. To start…
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Writing In the bite survey, experts say, 50% of the bits involved pitbulls and the other 50% was a mixture of dogs. Pitbulls can be very lovable pets, however, many people are so afraid of them, when they see a pitbull they will cross the street or even not go to their relatives houses that have pitbulls. People should not have pitbulls as pets because they have laws against them and harm many people and animals. First of all, Pitbulls are very dangerous, and have many votes to ban them from being pets…
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Jordan Brown Mrs. Carey Language arts, period 4 29 april 2024 Pitbull Argument Writing Did You know that pitbulls are working dogs and were one of the first dogs to win a medal in war for protecting the soldiers. Media is giving incorrect information about the pitbulls, saying they kill people and they are bad dogs. However, people get pitbulls for protection, but some people just get them because they are drug dealers and to scare people. Even the news gives out incorrect information saying how…
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Boston Lyon Ms. Carey Language Arts 29 April 2024 Pitbull Argument Essay. Among 4.5 Million Bite Victims, Half Are Children, 70% of Dog Bites Are from Pitbulls 2019, From a Total of 46 Dog Attack Fatalities 33 were Caused by Pitbulls..Pitbulls have strong bites and can hospitalize babies and kids. Pitbulls should not be pets because they aggressively bite and injure other animals. One reason they should not be pets is because they are a very dangerous breed. They have caused fatal maulings and serious…
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Pit Bulls are pretty nice dogs but people are trying to ban them and people wouldn't just be taking out one type of breed because pitbull means short haired muscle dog. There are a lot of different types of pit bull breeds like the pit bull terrier and that wouldn't be very fair to them. And I think that it is wrong and that they should stay because most people want them because they are very good pets and they can protect you and most people just don't want them because they sometimes bite and when…
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You’re a Monster! -6. The real life monster that i have chosen too right about is a pitbull. Many people consider this a dangerous animal or monster because of the way it can turn on its owner. However, i think the way you raise the pitbull is the way it will react to certain situations. I think any dog can act bad if you treat it wrong. Overall i think any dog can be as mean or nice as you treat it. Today pit bulls make up 6 percent of the dog population in Canada and the US, but they are responsible…
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“There are approximately 4.5 million pitbulls in the United States, making up approximately 5.8% of the country's canine population.” Pitbulls can protect you while also being friendly to you and other people as well and also be fun and energetic and also quiet dogs. Pitbulls are the best dog breed because they can be aggressive and protect you from intruders and they can also be fun, energetic and quiet. The first reason pitbulls are the best dog breed on this planet is that they can protect you…
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