These bodycams should be worn throughout the whole shift on duty. Bodycams would definitely stop brutality because now officers are being recorded from start to finish. In order for them to be monitored the NYPD should assign a surveillance unit to each precinct whose sole purpose is to just monitor the officers. By using body cams the encounters between the police and individuals can be judged to see whether or not a victim's story of police violence is actually body cams. If we didn't have any videos , encounters like Eric Garner and Philando Castle wouldn't be known to the public in which then law enforcement officials could have sugar coated what really with down With video footage the police have no other choice but to follow proper policy. Even though when a video showing police brutality is released and shown to the mass public the officers are sometimes set free. Some may feel that the body cams wont work but slowly they are are affecting in many instances.I believe that police officers and commissioners are scared to death of wearing body cams. Why are police departments taking their time to use the body cam technology. Their are a number of repeated cases of police officers wearing the body cameras at the time they use deadly force, but they usually say in the report that the camera either wasn't turned on, or somehow failed right at the instance of when the crime was taking place.”Baltimore police spent 30 minutes searching a car for drugs but found nothing—until they turned off their body cameras.When the cameras turned back on, one cop was seen squatting next to the driver’s side where another officer immediately found drugs.” (Weill) These mishaps should not and cannot be allowed. Every police officer on duty in America needs a body camera no matter what what is urgently necessary to make those body cameras effective are strict