Should Police Officers Wear Body Cameras Research Paper

Words: 696
Pages: 3

America is best known for being the land of the free, allowing its citizens to do whatever they like. There are a few exceptions though, for example, stealing, killing, destruction, and generally physically hurting another person is illegal. But what keeps the citizens from breaking the law? Police men are tasked with keeping order by arresting anyone who breaks the law. Most of the time they do their job, but sometimes they will abuse their power and arrest people wrongfully, which is why Police Officers should be required to wear body cameras to record their actions. Despite this, people believe that they shouldn’t wear bodycams, but with the number of corrupt officers out there, it should be mandatory for police officers to wear bodycams. Police should be …show more content…
Buying cameras would take lots of taxpayer money and could potentially raise tax prices. The pricing for the city of Baltimore to have body cameras cost them, according to evidence 59,” Price of Baltimore’s body camera program triples to $35 million.” With the pricing being this high for one city, imagine the amount it would cost for all 50 states. The amount of money it would cost could cause massive tax inflation and maybe even an economic collapse. Although this may seem like a significant amount of money, it is a valid concern to worry about the pricing to fund this movement, “92% of Americans support requiring police officers to wear body cameras that record video of their interactions, and 55% would be willing to pay higher taxes to outfit their local police department with these devices,” according to evidence 16. With enough funding from the public and government, we could be able to pay for body cameras for all Police departments around the country. Overall, police officers should be required to wear body