Should Police Officers Wear Body Cameras Research Paper

Words: 559
Pages: 3

In a world full of crime, body cameras have helped a lot in allowing judges to know who the true criminal is. Law enforcement officers are ordered to wear body cameras when they go into a crime scene. In my opinion, law enforcement officers should wear body cameras because they independently verify events. Some would argue that they shouldn’t be worn because of the high cost. However, body cameras never lie and are the prime witnesses in court. Law enforcement officers should wear body cameras to independently authenticate incidents. For example, in Texas, a police officer was fired, charged with murder, and sentenced to a $10,000 fine and 15 years in prison after body-worn camera footage contradicted his initial statement in the April 2017 …show more content…
i.e. a. This proves that body cameras independently verify events without being in anyone's favor. One could expostulate that police body cameras are too expensive. However, it could also improve the officers behavior. For instance, studies have shown that police officers tend to exhibit more professional behavior when wearing body cameras. Knowing that their actions are being recorded can lead to a decrease in the use of excessive force, de-escalation of tense situations, and adherence to departmental policies and procedures. wouldn’t it be better to use a body camera instead of false accusations and/or excessive force used by police officers and judges taking more time to figure out who the criminal is? This reveals that even though some people claim that body cameras are expensive, it could solve many problems that would be worth the cost of the body cameras. Body camera footage serves as valuable evidence in investigations and prosecutions. It can capture crucial details, statements, and actions that might otherwise be missed or