In France, a unique element within their police force is a split division where one group operates within the Ministry of Interior while the other operates for the Ministry of Defense. Having two distinctive police force for different roles can be a strategic move to control crime and deviance; however, it can also be problematic when both divisions view one another as inferior. France’s history also entails revolutions from the working class against the elites. Thus, policing in France may also not be viewed as a positive entity by citizens as the police force exists to serve the elites. What is interesting about the police force is Germany is its many divisions that specializes in different areas of crime. While their main objective is to prevent different types of crime to occur, the police in Germany may cause an oversight to another lawbreaking happening much closer to home: hate crimes. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, many immigrants came to Germany to start a new life or for shelter; however, these actions have created a moral panic among the citizens of Germany that jobs will be taken away by