At first, I judged her only by her appearance. As I watched her more, I realized that there were other qualities that I liked about her. I admired that she was very curious about the world around her. I saw this quality in her when she was watching what was going on around her. I also liked that she made it known when she was unhappy. For example, when the family went to the zoo, Mari cried and screamed because the tigers scared her. Another baby from the film was Ponijao. Although I ended up liking Ponijao (from Africa), I did not like her at first. I thought that she depended too much on her mother at an age that she should be more independent. For example, she was always with her mother or siblings. This makes it seem as if she was not independent. However by the end of the film, I realized that she was actually more independent than I thought. She was able to learn how to stand by herself and she freely experimented with her environment. Finally, Bayar (from Mongolia) was the child that I had the least interest in. Due to the isolation of his environment, he didn’t stick out as much as the other children to me. Although he didn’t stick out as much, there were some qualities that I liked about him. I liked that he was an animal lover and that he was very independent. For example, he was always roaming around the farm (or fields) by