Poor Body Image Research Paper

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Pages: 6

Is Poor Body Images a Big Issue?
Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror? When you looked at yourself were you satisfied the way you look or were you dissatisfied in the way you look? In our society, there are several young boys, young girls, men and women who are not happy with some parts if not all of their body appearance. There are two types of body image. One of them is a healthy body image. People with healthy body image treasure and accept their body for exactly how it is. Also they usually feel comfortable and confident in their own body. However, there is a poor body image. People with poor body image are dissatisfied with their body and they never feel attractive. Also they usually feel uncomfortable and ashamed in their own
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There are some families who focus more on looking a certain way. Also there might be family members who self conscious about they look so they might criticize other family member on how they look. This could cause a bad chain reaction. Families are known to be the most influential than the media. In addition, friends can impact us on how we view and judge our own bodies. Most of us have friend who are constantly talking about how they are fat, but to be honest they are nowhere to be fat. However, when they say that you start to compare your body to theirs and notice that you are bigger than them. So in your mind you are like well I am really fat because I am bigger than you. Usually these factors play apart it causes us to self-depreciate ourselves. The author of the article, "The Problem With Self-Deprecation." by Emily Ramirez states that negative self talk has become all too …show more content…
As we can see that body image is a topic that is not taken lightly and effect both male and female. From the factual information that was provided we clearly see how this poor body image phenomenon is influence by these. several factors such as school, toys, social media, media, and friends and families. However, in some means we all have misleading views on what is beautiful. I believe in the future that this phenomenon will increase because it seem that that the images of model that we see are constantly get smaller which I feel like it is going to be a new norm. Lastly I learned that the repeated exposures to a particular image teaches us to like that particular