Population Glossary

Submitted By jordansanders16
Words: 864
Pages: 4

Population Glossary

Annual population change
Total change in size of a country’s population after both natural change and migration have been taken into account
Anti-natalist policy
A government policy that attempts to lower fertility in order to slow population growth
Asylum seeker
A refugee seeking to enter a country having fled another.
Birth control
Deliberate limiting of fertility by various means e.g. contraception, sterilisation and abortion
Birth rate
A measure of an area’s fertility. It is the number of live births per 1,000 people in a country per year
Carrying capacity
Maximum number of people who can be supported by the resources and technology of a given area
An official count of the population and resulting statistics
Choropleth map
Map representing spatial data by tonal shadings showing different degrees of density
A group of people who share the same characteristic – e.g. age
Death rate
The number of deaths per 1,000 people in a country per year. This is typically highest in LEDC countries
Demographic transition
The shifting balance between fertility and mortality over time and its impacts on rates of population change
Number of people per unit area (usually km squared)
Dependency Ratio
Number of children (aged under 15) and old people (aged 65 and over) relative to the number of adults aged 15 – 64
A decline in the number of people living in an area – mainly brought about by net out-migration rather than high mortality
Where people are located on the Earth’s surface
Dot map
Method used to depict distribution of population – a dot represents a given number of people.
Economic migrant
Person whose reasons for migration are work related – finding a job or seeking better pay and prospects
Migration outwards from an area or country
Average number of children each woman in a country will bear over their lifetime.
Fertility rate
Average number of children that a woman will bear between the ages of 15 – 50
Forced migration
Migration that is the result of severe push factors e.g. famine, persecution
Migration into a particular country or area
Infant mortality
Number of deaths of children under the age of 1 per 1,000 live births per year.
Life expectancy
Average number of years from birth that a person can expect to live to.
Lorenz curve
Simple graph used to compare an actual distribution pattern with one that is perfectly even. Comparison establishes degree of concentration or segregation shown by actual distribution
The increase in life expectancy over a period of time. It is a direct result of improved medical care and increased levels of economic development.
A movement of people that involves a permanent or semi-permanent change of residential address.
Migration balance
Difference between the number of people entering and leaving a country
Morbidity rate
Statistical information about a particular illness or sickness in a population.
Frequency of death in a population – the higher the mortality – less likely it is that a population will increase.
Natural change
The difference between birth rate and death rate. If birth rate exceeds death rate, a population will increase. If death rate exceeds birth rate a population will decline
Natural decrease
Decline in population resulting from deaths exceeding births
Natural increase
Increase in population resulting from births exceeding deaths
Optimum population
The theoretical number of people which, given available