Scout and Jem’s cousin Francis, called Atticus a nigger-lover. “I guess it ain’t your fault if Uncle Atticus is a nigger-lover” (Lee 110). Scout never heard of a nigger-lover, she doesn’t even know what it was. Francis’ tone said it all, it was nothing to be proud of. “Francis, what the hell do you mean?” (Lee 110). Atticus hasn’t talked to his children yet about his case so everything Francis was saying was news to Scout. Francis’ tone made Scout think a nigger-lover is bad. White folks did not accept black folks so hearing a white man loves colored people is a shock, especially when that white man is her father. This type of situation rarely to never happened, a white lawyer actually trying to prove a colored person innocent, but it is happening now. Mrs.Dubose was a good example of courage in Atticus’ eyes. “I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand” (Lee 149). Atticus saw Mrs.Dubose as a courageous woman. Mrs.Dubose was “kicked” back a couple of steps but continued to advance forwards and Atticus admired that. He admired not “winning” very often but when you did, you were grateful. Atticus claimed she was the bravest person he knew. You have to be brave to be courageous. To be courageous, you have to overcome something like a fear. Having a greater advantage like a gun is not being courageous. You are not equal to the other therefore you are not at any risk and that's not courage. Calpurnia talks nigger-talk to the colored people. “Why do you talk nigger-talk to the- to your folks when you know it’s not right?” (Lee 167). Scout was brought up with the thinking that “nigger-talk” was the wrong way to talk. Calpurnia says it is not right to talk that way when she is at work because it is not their “normal”. It’s sad to think that people judge other just by the way they talk but it happened. It happened in the