Gopica Anand* and Swati Agarwal**
* Counselling Psychologist, Hyderabad; ** Asst. Professor, St. Francis College for Women, Hyderabad
Sense of coherence is a global orientation expressing a person's pervasive and enduring feeling of confidence. The term "identity" refers to the capacity for self-reflection and the awareness of self. Stigma refers to a mark or sign of some sort that is seen as disqualifying individuals from the full social acceptance of the society. Perceived social support refers to an individual’s belief that social support is available, is generally considered positive or negative and …show more content…
However, the stigma, discrimination, and internal conflict that many transgender people experience may place them at increased risk for certain mental health problems. Discrimination, lack of social support, and inadequate access to care can exacerbate mental health problems in transgender people, while support from peers, family, and helping professionals may act as protective factors.
Transgender people in most cities and countries can be denied housing or employment, lose custody of their children, or have difficulty achieving legal recognition of their marriages, solely because they are transgender. Many transgender people are also the targets of hate crimes. The widespread nature of discrimination based on gender identity and gender expression can cause transgender people to feel unsafe or ashamed, even when they are not directly …show more content…
The sampling techniques used were Snowball and Purposive Sampling.
Information Schedule was used to collect background data and demographic details such as Age, State/Country of birth/residence, Religion, Relationship Status, Employment Status, Education completed, Living Arrangements, Physical and Mental Health Status. The Gender Identity Questionnaire (GIQ) was used in order to screen and include transgender participants in the sample. Apart from these, the following research tools were also used in this research. They were:
Sense of Coherence (SOC) - Orientation to Life