Years Old
By Rebecca Bell
From hundreds of eggs and millions of sperm, only one egg and one sperm cell start the conception . Then the fertilisation starts in the fallopian tube and the fertilised egg also known as a zygote divides into 12 – 16 cells on its journey through the fallopian tube to reach and implant the uterus.
First trimester
The first four weeks from the conception the fatal growth of the ovum begins with the development of the spinal cord, nervous system, gastrointestinal system, and the heart and lungs.
Eight weeks
By eight weeks, in the developing stage, the face is forming, arms and legs move, the baby's heart begins beating and the brain and other organs form.
Twelve weeks
The baby, now called a fetus, and is growing to three inches long and weighs one ounce. He is able to move fingers and toes. He also has fingerprints and can smile, frown, sucks and swallows and urinates. The baby’s sex can also be recognised by this time.
Sixteen weeks
During the second three months of the pregnancy he is able to kick and hear as well as having a strong grip. Then at sixteen weeks he has a strong heartbeat is clear. He has fingernail and toes forming and his skin is transparent and is able to roll over in the fluid.
Twenty weeks
His heartbeat can be heard through a stethoscope, he has hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. He can also suck his thumb and may have hiccups.
Twenty four weeks
He is eleven -