Prejudice In Criminal Justice Research Paper

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Pages: 5

In our readings there has been explanations for stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination in the criminal justice system. This has been going on for years and continues today but at least society is aware and working towards a better or fair criminal justice system. Stereotypes are usually negative assumptions about a race. Many people who never associated themselves with a particular race take on these stereotypes as being true and look for confirmation bias to continue to think that way. The media also helps to convince people that these stereotype can be true. For example Asian people are stereotyped as bad drivers but also good at math. People must get to know one another and get a perception of who people are by interacting with that …show more content…
It is considered to be a fraud of finances belonging to person or organization. Victims of white collar crimes are non-profit organizations, corporations, individuals, and government entities. Perri points out, “. . . . WCCs often are heavily involved in obscenely lucrative scams of every sort where they lead lavish lifestyles while their victims lose their life savings, their dignity, and their health-a financial death penalty.” There is a delusion that white collar crime offenders are harmless, one time offenders with short term moral negligence. Usually, committed by white college educated males to gain a higher social status or greed. A white collar crime offender is deemed to have personality traits such as antisocial disorder, narcissism, and psychopathy which cause them to commit this crime. Also presumed to be a non-violent …show more content…
Some corporations and people become bankrupt due to these crimes. These crimes affect the economy and taxpayers end up feeling the pain in there income. Perri explains, “ White collar crimes cause substantial social harm by undermining the economy, exacerbating the divide between poverty and wealth, eroding trust, and depriving individuals of time and resources.” White collar crimes can be just as devastating as street crimes but the monetary value is greater in a white collar crime. These crimes are less criminalized and should be treated just like street crimes. The public and justice system thinks white collar criminals are not that bad and are more lenient because it is not a violent crime. Coupled with, white collar crimes juvenile offenders are becoming technology experts. They will get arrested more often for white collar crimes. Juveniles have unlimited access to technology and are more internet savvy than adults. Access to photocopiers, printers, and computers make it easy to do white collar crimes. People can make counterfeit money and fraudulent credit cards is the crime spree in