Evan is a 4-year-old male who was observed in a preschool setting. According to the DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria, Evan’s diagnosis is Autism Level 1, requiring support, with accompanying language impairment and without accompanying intellectual impairment. At the beginning of the observation, Evan was observed engaging in tantrum behavior. His tantrum included screaming, crying, and an incident of head banging. His tantrum lasted about 10 minutes. The reason for the tantrum was because preschool staff asked the class to clean up before circle. The intervention strategy the day care used for the tantrum was planned ignoring. The preschool staff explained that ignoring Evan and not giving into the tantrum usually helps after time.
After the tantrum concluded, Evan was prompted 6 times to join the group at circle. These prompts included 5 verbal prompts and 1 full physical prompt of taking Evan’s hand and bringing him to the circle. It was observed that Evan had difficulty staying seated throughout the morning routine. To accommodate him, he was provided a vibrating cushion to sit on. Although, this did not seem to help. A paraprofessional at the preschool decided to sit behind Evan to …show more content…
Once Evan was dismissed from circle, he headed directly to the cars/trains center. There was another peer in the center, but Evan did not engage. While he played in this center for 15 minutes, he was not observed engaging with peers at any point. Instead, Evan collected all of the trains in the center and began engaging in stimulatory play. There was a track for the trains, but Evan preferred to line the trains up according to size (i.e. big to small). Evan was also observed spinning the wheels of the train during his time in the center. There was minimal interaction from preschool staff while Evan was in this center. Therefore, the preservative play continued without any intervention strategies set in