Professional Practice Teaching

Words: 2077
Pages: 9

This research investigates an area of professional practice focusing on ecological perspectives surrounding my personal teaching and learning in the early childhood setting. Based on the primary school placement I have experienced on this trimester, I have noticed an area of my professional practice that desires more focus to build that area up to a higher standard, this area effective relationships with my students, their parents and myself. Australian institute of teaching suggests to ‘Establish and maintain respectful collaborative relationships with parents/ carers regarding their children’s learning and wellbeing (aitsl 2013).
This paper refers to data, findings and from collaborations among my mentoring teachers and my own practice.
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Those involved with the problem become co-researchers documenting, monitoring and reflecting on data and changes. The qualitative method is the method used in this case study which involves interpretation by the researcher and their subjects, its strengths and weakness. This is a subjective method; it requires a human element, in depth research and observing closely with the subject.

Methods of data collection used in this critical action research included observations, parent teacher interviews, and conversations with my mentor teacher, conversations with parents of my students. The method used show limitations as only a small amount of time could be spent with both parents of students in such busy lives, and also in the parent teacher interviews wasn’t allowed to have much of an impact in the communication. This relates to the micro systems in Bronfenbrenner theory, allowing the students world to connect, for example myself communicating with the “child” and the
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Action research formalises and objectifies the critically reflective process by adding a structure. Critical action research uses a cyclic process of observation, reflection, data collection and implementation. I investigated this topic firstly by observing the role of my mentor teacher in the mornings and after school, any time there was communication between herself and the parents/guardians of the students. Secondly by researching relevant and recent scholarly literature (see Literature Review). I was capable to gain broad knowledge and a clearer understanding of how I can improve my relationships with parents of my student’s. Using the qualitative method findings became clear and apparent; many different findings were found and explored.

These strategies which I followed were quite effective, as I will be discussing this in the next section in data analysis and findings.

Data analysis and