Princess Andromeda Research Paper

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Pages: 2

Princess Andromeda was the daughter of Cepheus and Cassiopeia, she was also the princess of Aethiopia. Cepheus was the king of Aethiopia and Cassiopeia was the queen. Cassiopeia was a boastful mother who bragged about Andromeda being beautiful to the Nereids. The Nereids were the daughters of Poseidon, they always believed that they were the most beautiful, so Cassiopeia’s comments had offended them. The daughters of Poseidon were so enraged with this that they told their father who had then sent a sea monster to Aethiopia to kill princess Andromeda. “...Poseidon sent a dreadful sea monster to destroy the kingdom.” (Peters 9). The princess was striped naked then chained to a large rock where she would have to face her nearing death. …show more content…
Different sources suggest different methods of transportation, “Pegasus was a winged horse born from Medusa’s blood.” (Clarkart 1). When Perseus saw Andromeda he was not sure if she was an actual human. “When Perseus saw the princess, he thought she could be a statue.” (ComfyChair 3) Princess Andromeda was nearly lifeless as she thought she would die all due to her mother’s bragging and as a woman, she was not really supposed to converse with young men. Perseus saw Andromeda and freed her from the chains. Perseus then killed Cetus and saved the city of Aethiopia. Perseus killed Cetus by using Medusa’s head to turn the sea creature into stone. After killing the sea monster, Perseus planned on marrying Andromeda. As they were planning their wedding, Andromeda’s uncle, Phineus who was originally supposed to marry her came to take her away. Perseus would not let her go that easily so he fought Phineus. Perseus ultimately won by once again using Medusa's head to turn him into stone.
After Phineus died, Princess Andromeda finally got married to Perseus and they had seven children. Their six sons, Perses, Alcaeus, Heleus, Sthenelus. Mestor, Electryon, and one daughter, Gorgophone. Perses was Andromeda and Perseus’ first son. Perses was taken for Achaemenes as an ancestor of the Persians. Perses was left in Cossaea with Perse the