Greek Mythology Research Paper

Words: 1950
Pages: 8

The best way to keep people attention in today’s society? Put it on the big screen! The topic I am choosing for my term paper is modern cinema and Greek mythology. I will try covering this topic by describing the representation of classical Greek myths in modern language and modern cinema. Not only will I discuss the effects of a series of books known as the Percy Jackson Series written by Rick Riordan, which was made into multiple movies. But I will also discuss other movies such as clash of the titans, and some other modern movies that were created based on Greek mythology that are popular today.
Each of these movies has issues based on how the director perceives the original myth to retell and recreate it. Specifically one issue that I will
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There are multiple myths in each of the series mixed in many different ways in a modern type conception of what each Greek god or monster would be like. For example in the book they meet Medusa who is the proprietress of a garden center that sells statues, Ares, the god of war, is a biker who comes armed with a huge knife. Meeting along the way versions of Aphrodite, Athena, Persephone, Hades, and Poseidon, along with monsters of Greek myths like the fury and a Minotaur. Percy Jackson books bring together multiple myths and stories from classic Greek tales which concepts are easy to comprehend. The slang of the series is a hallmark of the Percy Jackson books, because of how similar it is to modern culture. This book series changed the interest of many young readers when it also became a movie series as well. While following along with the books it also leads Percy onto adventures to recover relics that are spoken of in classical Greek myths such as the golden fleece and the Zeus’ lighting bolt. Rick Riordan, the author or the series, has become very popular among teenage book readers because of the slang and modern language of a teenage narration and goofiness it pushes away adult readers. While this is only the similarity between Percy Jackson and Perseus of Greek myth in the First book, there are 3 others that describe Percy’s journeys but since it’s a …show more content…
It involves a man named Perseus who finds out he is the mortal son of the god Zeus. After running into hades and the untimely death of his parents because of it he was headed on the path for revenge. After being taken by soldiers he was forced to go back to Argos and during a feast Hades appears after the Queen of Argos, Cassiopeia compares her daughter to Aphrodite and her family gods. Hades is angered by those remarks and kills all the soldiers but Perseus is unaffected, showing everyone that he is a demigod and hades reveals that his father is Zeus. Hades says that unless the princess is sacrificed he will unleash his creation, the kraken. He soon met a woman who was immortal and didn’t age, she told him the story of how he came to be born and Perseus knew whom he truly was. After Perseus wouldn’t accept that the princess needed to be sacrificed and went to visit the Stygian witches. On his journey there are many obstacles he has to face. For example his father was given superhuman powers by hades to kill him, giant scorpions arose from the ground from his blood and attacked the soldiers, and many others. Once they finally reach the witches hey foretell a prophecy and tell him in order to stop the kraken he needs medusas head, but with a twist, that if he goes along with it he will die! He embarks on another journey to Medusa and defeats her and takes her head. Hades try’s to stop Perseus by sending