Greek Mythology Research Paper

Words: 763
Pages: 4

Folk tales have been used throughout history to explain how events occur and explain traditions.Folktales emphasize life and tell the stories of a certain culture and time period, they explain why and how something happens. Myths also fall into this category, they tell the stories of powerful beings, or an amazing event rumored to be true. Myths were used in the time period of ancient Greece and Rome, many other cultures still tell myths and folktales.
Myths and folktales still tell stories, and they can relate to everyday society. Maybe how someone bullied you, or how someone was jealous of your lifestyle, everyone can relate to myths and folktales on their own level. People's time periods don't count when telling a story, it only counts
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Surely they thought their story was relevant to life.
Myths were another way of telling stories, Black ships before troy Rosemary Sutcliff ,was a popular myth in Greece before even America was founded. Black ships before troy is a myth that tells the story of the trojan war.The trojan war starts with is throwing the golden apple into a wedding of two gods, it's interrupted with the three most beautiful goddesses claiming it as their own, a quarrel starts, and the first events of the trojan war have shown their faces starts.
The three goddesses continue to argue, as Paris, a young boy, is born. His parents both rulers, take him to a soothsayer for fear he may become a fear to the city. Of course, their worries are true, and Paris was born of a firebrand and will become a danger to the city. His mother had to give him up and was forced to. She abandoned him in the forest, where he was destined to die. But, a shepherd had come across him and had raised him as his own.
Later on, the goddesses had chosen him to judge them, he chose and abandoned his only love. Paris had then come across his real parents and had chosen to stay with