Priscilla And The Wimps Short Story

Words: 611
Pages: 3

“Priscilla and the wimps.” continuation. D 457

The sun rises as the sound of children enter the school and the school becomes alive with laughter and conversation. Priscilla wacks over to her locker and opens it and when she opens the door and there in her locker was monck he was as wight as a sheath and she gust stard at him until she said you're still in there.Monck looks up at her
Ya what did you expect “said Monck”.
“Priscilla said” Honestly i thought the janitor would tack you out or something not leave you in there all weekend.
Are they serving breakfast today “said Monck”.
Ya “said Priscilla”.
“Monck said” Help me get out of her .
Ok but will you be able to walk “said Priscilla”.
If i can't i will croll “said Monck”.
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“Monck said” Honestly i don't even have the energy to be mad so gust leave me alone. Priscilla watch him wobble of to the cafeteria and wondered if she should offer to help but was afraid that if she did then he would bite her head of so she just waved by to him and continued on with her day. In first period the teacher was taking attendance and the class was whispering so the teacher did not yell at them. Priscilla stared out the window mulling over the incident that had happened friday and she wondered if Monck was doing the same.
Monck was stuffing his fas with serial toast and a strawberry tosterstrutell that he had order someone to give him gus minutes ago.after that wonderful breakfast he went down to the printables often and when the principal had time to talk to him Monck was even more mad now that he had the energy to be mad. Mr.printable friday i was shoved in a locker and remained there all weekend and no one not even when i screamed came to get me out why is that “Monck said”.
The principal stard at him surprised because of what he gust heard the student saye. I am so sary that must have been scary so if you don't mind telling me how shoved you in the locker then we can resolve