Pro Choice Movement Research Paper

Words: 434
Pages: 2

During the 1970s the pro choice movement was started in order to educate the public, who were not informed, about their sexual rights: the right to an abortion, to prescription contraceptives, and generally to make choices with their doctors about their reproductive health. The Pro-Choice movement used their influence in government to make new laws and wide-spread protest in order to petition the government in order to educate the youth and sexual reproduction. The Pro-Choice movement frequently uses their influence in important parts of society and their widespread protest to lobby the government into passing new laws. One huge strategy used by the Pro-Choice movement is widespread protests. Thousands of people are drawn to the women's march …show more content…
The pro-life movement wants “god” to have a say in banning abortion, but after pro-choice women back the movement, it makes it easy to support for a lot of people. Pro-Choice Religious backing. Throughout their long history the Pro-Choice Movement ran into many roadblocks, such as the Pro-Life Movement efforts to stop them, and state law. The Pro-Life movement is the opposite of the Pro-Choice Movement, they work towards banning abortions, they are the main roadblock encountered by the Pro-Choice movement. “The pro-life movement is the movement to block women's access to legal abortion and to recriminalize the procedure. (pro life).” After the Supreme Court passed their verdict on Roe V Wade/ Abortions, Pro- Life states have switched to enacting state laws to block abortions. “states began enforcing strict abortion bans while others became new havens for the procedure” (Post-Roe). The pro-choice movement also rebanded to the NARAL to try to eliminate all laws and practices that would compel any woman to have a child against her will. The Pro-Choice Movement has many fruitful results, including key victories such as the Hyde Amendment and the winning of Roe V