Pro Life Vs Pro Choice Abortion Research Paper

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Pages: 5

One of the most highly debated topics in the United States is abortion. There are a host of differing opinions on the issue, though they are generally divided into two categories. The “Pro Life” and “Pro Choice”. The Pro Life ideology suggests that at some point during pregnancy, the fetus becomes a child and therefore has the right to live separate from the parent. The pro-choice argument is that the choice should be up to the pregnant individual. The conflict surrounding this issue has become even more volatile in the wake of the history-making Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v Wade. Considering the whole host of factors that go into choosing to terminate pregnancy, the choice of whether or not to carry a pregnancy to termination should lie solely in the hands of the pregnant individual as …show more content…
On the surface, this seems like an ideal solution. That is until the problematic nature of these child care services comes to light. Of course, there are children who have ideal experiences with foster care and adoption systems, but a large number do not. “over half of foster care children have succumbed to neglect (53 percent) and almost 16 percent have been victims of physical abuse; 4.4 percent have been victims of sexual abuse, and almost 30 percent have been victims of parental substance abuse” (Papovich). For a pregnant person who is considering whether or not to carry on, the difficult life the potential child could face could be the deciding factor. Forming an opinion on the legality of abortion also requires one to consider who is getting abortions. Many underage girls who become pregnant, almost always unintentionally, are in need of reproductive care. “In 2020, just over 158,000 babies were born to females ages 15-19” (“About Teen Pregnancy and Childbearing | HHS Office of Population Affairs''). No child should be forced to carry, give birth to, or raise another