(can be used as a percentage and converted to other points value)
A. When required, speaks exclusively in French: (out of 20 points)
always = 20 points almost always = 18 points usually = 16 points sometimes = 14 points rarely = 10 points almost never = 5 points never = 0 points
Is attentive: (out of 10 points)
always = 10 points almost always = 9 points usually, but occasional side-talking or off-task behavior = 8 points sometimes, but side-talking or off-task behavior persists = 7 points rarely, lots of side-talking and off-task behavior = 5 points almost never = 3 points never = 0 points
Responds to questioning, helpfully enters discussion (beyond just volunteering to read): (out of 50 points)
Volunteers responses to discussion prompts frequently and appropriately = 40-50 points
Volunteers, but rarely, or in sometimes inappropriate fashion = 31-40
Answers when called upon, does not often volunteer = 21-30 points
Seldom responds, is often off-task = 11-20 points
Often non-responsive = 0-10 points
D. Comes to class prepared to work, has materials, homework, etc.:
(out of 10 points) always = 10 points almost always = 8 points usually = 6 points sometimes = 4 points rarely = 2 points almost never / never = 0 points
E. Participation in group work: (out of 10 points total) (give a 0-5 point grade in each of the
2 categories)
Contributes to group discussions and work = 4-5 points