Pros And Cons Of Snaps

Words: 698
Pages: 3

(How) should SNAP (food stamps) be reformed to encourage healthy eating?


Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) formally food stamps- federal initiative to reduce food insecurity for low income families and nutritional food. One in seven Americans participate in scheme (Beatty, et el 2013) , "SNAP participants have lower dietary quality than income-eligible nonparticipation counterparts" (Nguyen et al, 2014)

Two goals of SNAP: increase food security "national safety net" and nutrition; good at former question about the latter

Current debate of whether SNAPs should be reformed to promote more nutritional food consumed – especially as policy review ongoing: Trump proposed plan from 2019 introduce harvest boxes to replace SNAP (Bryan, 2018)

SNAPs only minor role in obesity (Baum
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Reform idea suggestion 1: Healthy food vouchers similar to those introduced in UK (Griffith et el 2015)

Worked for distorted consumers

Explain distorted and inframarginal consumers using standard diagram

Distorted consumers are those in which the voucher value is more than the amount they would normally spend on the targeted good so vouchers distort their consumption choices.

Inframarginal voucher is equivalent to a cash benefit er is for less than they normally spend so consumption is not distorted

Seemed to work for distorted very effectively but not infra leading to deadweight cost 40%

Surprising result for infra consumers given the recent studies of violations of fungibility: quasi-field experiment looking at drink vouchers vs meal vouchers (Abeler & Marklein 2015), Winter fuel benefits, child benefits

Either food preferences more difficult to change as so integral to current beliefs, or this paper is not as robust as first seems or needs more looking