Second Amendment Pros And Cons

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Pages: 5

2nd amendment Pro or Con?
The second amendment has been debated by pro gun owners and other officials like the NRA, and the gun opposing side that has argued for the dismissal of the second amendment, and or tighter restrictions against, the capacity and which make and model that the average citizen is allowed to have. In my own personal opinion.. I think that having the right to bear arms is a blessing and that every gun owning person that is a u.s citizen should be thankful to have, cause at any moment at the snap of a finger it could all be gone and a lot of people take the freedoms that we have as american citizens for granted. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. this is the second amendment. Shall not be infringed means that, when you are born an American citizen you have earned that right, and that it cannot and will not be taken away. I believe that having the right to bear arms is a pro because, I believe it reduces the amount of armed robberies or home invasions when the gun or that right is put into the right hands and continues
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The gun is only doing what it was built to do, it a user error not the objects. Organizations like the NRA have formed themselves in order to protect the second amendment. President Obama quoted “"We do have to feel a sense of urgency about it," Obama said, "because people are dying and the constant excuses for inaction no longer suffice. That's why we're here today. Not to debate the last mass shooting, but to do something to try and prevent the next one." He also quoted The gun control measures a tearful President Barack Obama announced Tuesday would not have prevented the slaughters of 20 first-graders at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, or 14 county workers at a holiday party in San Bernardino, California.