Prosthetic Disability

Words: 565
Pages: 3

While there may not be any sudden impact of using drugs or alcohol irregularly, when it becomes a disorder negative effects can start to show in the person’s mental and physical health. Substance abuse disorder isn’t taken seriously and some might not even realize that they have it, which becomes a one the major problems when they need to get help. With a disability, like amputation, it is even harder to find a location that matches the criteria. You’ll need to recognize you need help, afford the treatment, and most importantly make sure the location is accessible. Amputation is the removal of a limb so it doesn’t cause the person any pain or infect them. This can happen through surgery, trauma or medical illness. After the removal the person will either be left limbless or might get paired with a prosthetic. While the prosthetic is helpful in limiting the disability a little, it still takes a while to get use to. During this time a SUD can, “[…impede coordination and muscle control, interact with prescribed medications, and contribute to social isolation, poor communication and domestic …show more content…
SUD affects each of these areas because it changes how we behave. As said before motivation is needed with rehabilitation and SUD can cause it to drop, also it effects how we sleep and eat. Prosthetics may not be a part of the muscles but they would still need to healthy in order to fully get compensatory skills (learning how to move the device in the easiest manner and maintain balance). When the substance disorder becomes moderate to severe, the person might start having financial problems which can lead to them not being about to continue