Psychology and Online Courses Essay

Submitted By sarahsh123
Words: 2371
Pages: 10


School: School of Arts & Sciences
Department: Department of Social Sciences
Term: Summer Term, 2014

Course Title: Introductory Psychology
Course Number: PSYC2001
Quarter Credit Hours: 4.5 qh.
Prerequisite(s): None

Professor Name: Dr. Cheryl Almeida
Office Location: White 533; Providence Campus
Office Phone: 401-598-1792
Office Fax: 401-598-1821
E-mail Address:

Time Zone: The official time zone for online courses is the Eastern Time zone. All deadlines are based on Eastern Time.

Contact Policy: Traditional and live office hours are held Monday’s 11:00 AM-12:00 PM at the Providence Downcity campus (W533) & by appt. On-line office hours can include discussions via phone, email and/or chat.
Students may expect a response to emails within 24 hours, Monday-Friday. Typically I am not available on weekends.


Introductory Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Ethical application of the scientific method is used to examine nervous system structures and functions, learning, memory, intelligence and states of consciousness.

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

1. Integrate each of the major psychological perspectives to formulate the biopsychosocial approach to the study of thinking and behavior.
2. Criticize flaws in research studies and propose the most appropriate method to test a variety of hypotheses.
3. Classify the major divisions and subdivisions of the nervous systems and predict behavioral and cognitive changes resulting from injury/trauma to each.
4. Discriminate among classical and operant conditioning and observational learning by composing original examples of each.
5. Differentiate among types of memories and propose strategies for accurate retrieval of information.
6. Examine commonly used intelligence tests and assess their effectiveness in measuring multiple types of intelligence.
7. Compare and contrast brain activity during sleep cycles and propose treatment options for common sleep disorders. Content Outline: Please note that this is the intended course outline. Changes may be made, but they will be announced by the instructor in advance.

Mind, Behavior, and Psychological Science
Biopsychology, Neuroscience, and Human Behavior
Psychological Disorders & Treatment
Psychological Perspectives

Required Texts and software/hardware to be purchased by students:
PSYCHOLOGY; Core Concepts, 7th edition
ISBN: 978-0-205-18346-3
Older editions may be purchased on-line and are acceptable for this course, just be cautious that page numbers in older editions tend to vary from the newer editions.

Evaluative Criteria:

First Exam 15%
Final Exam 15%
Discussions and Learning Activities 50%
Quizzes 20%

University policy states that grades cannot be communicated by phone, fax, or email. Grades for online courses are provided in the ulearn grade book for the course and final grades are transferred from the ulearn grade book to uconnect. Students can track their progress during a course by viewing their grades within ulearn using the Report function.

Grading Feedback: Grades for online courses are provided in the ulearn gradebook for the course and final grades are transferred from the ulearn gradebook to uconnect at the end of the term. Students can track their progress during a course by viewing their grades using the My Grades link within ulearn.

Turnaround time for providing feedback to students in the form of graded exams and assignments, e.g. major projects and exams will be graded within a week of due dates, other graded items will have grades in ulearn within three days from the due date.

Procedure for Submitting Assignments: Students will