Public Service Strike Research Paper

Words: 546
Pages: 3

In Boston in 1919, criminals went on rampage after police officers refused to work! Imagine if you called 9-11 for help and the operator told you that there are no polices officers on the job because they are on strike. Striking causes major chaos! Some people do not have any idea of what a strike is, but have most likely been on strike before, whether you are striking over your parents or over the government. A strike happens when a worker refuses to work until their problem has been solved or their demands have been meant. Public service workers absolutely should not have the right to strike. Public service worker have a huge responsibility. Public service worker should not be able to strike, because they can end up hurting someone and putting those people in harm’s way when it is their purpose to protect them. According to the text “Why is it Rare for Public Sector Workers to Go on Strike,” the general public would be in danger if police and firefighters did not report to work. Every day a person has a possibility of getting hurt and it is inconsiderate and is just too much of a risk to take a day off just because they feel like it. It is their duty to serve and protect all people because it is their job and is simply the correct thing to do. …show more content…
For example, they can talk to their bosses and employers to solve their problems. They can together create a fair negotiation for both sides of the controversy. According to the text “ Why is it Rare for Public Sector Workers to Go on Strike?”, arbitration occurs when an independent outsider looks at evidence submitted by both sides and comes up with a solution that is binding for all.This will make things better for each side with a “contract” that both sides will agree