Quotes From The Frank Family

Words: 502
Pages: 3

The Frank family's experience during World War II is one that is truly unimaginable. They went into hiding with constant fear that the Germans would find them. If the Germans find them, they will be taken to a concentration camp. They managed to hide for over 2 years with all the loud and horrific noises of planes, bombs and gunfire.

The Franks were supposed to go into hiding on July 16th, but they went into hiding 10 days early on July 6th. Anne said “Margot told me that the call-up was for her and not for daddy.”(12) They had to go into hiding because the Germans were putting Jews into camps. They went to hide in a place Anne calls “the secret annex” behind an open bookshelf near Mr. Frank's office. They could not make too much noise because other people could find out that there were Jews there and report them to the Germans. They made many rules, so no one would hear them. They would only use the bathroom at certain times, so the people working downstairs won’t hear them. The Van Dans family and Mr. Dussel would also hide with them later. “From the day we arrived we all had cozy meals together and after three days it was just as if we were one large family.”(18) Anne stated.
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They would only get very little. “Elli and Meip collected our ration for us.”(16) Announced Anne. They needed ration cards because there was only a certain amount available for each person. Their cards were illegal because Jews were in camps. Burglaries are common because people are trying to get whatever food or valuables they can. They had heard robbers a few times downstairs. Everyone in hiding is starting to get sick of each other because they see everyone too much. “My gentleman bedroom companion now repeatedly calls'ssh-ssh’ to me at night.”(50) Anne complained. The war is making them stuck to each other and is starting to annoy